

Increase Your Woodturning Skill Set

An Interactive Remote Demonstration gives everyone the best seat in the house!



I am available to deliver interactive remote  demonstrations to your  woodturning club or organization, streaming live from my studio in  upstate New York. This is a live demonstration, including background information, example turnings from myself and other turners — and, of course, I may demonstrate a catch just for you.

Demonstrations can be  modified for your club’s format, but typically run 90 to 120 minutes in length, including time for Q&A throughout.

Your Club's IRD

Your custom woodturning demonstration will contain valuable learning and inspiration to turners of any skill level, from beginner to advanced.

All you need to view is a screen, speaker, and internet connection — it could be a computer, tablet, or even a phone. I use Zoom, so there are a lot of options to connect, watch, and interact.

If you add a microphone and camera, I can see you, and you can interact and ask questions during the demonstration — the most popular method, but not required for every club member.

Example interactive remote demonstrations:

Off-Axis, Multi-Axis Turning – Discuss and demonstrate different types of off-axis/multi-axis turning. Can include multiple projects, conversation on different techniques, and options to coordinate with on- or off-lathe embellishment. Turned pieces can include, snowman, vase, boxes, candlesticks, cups, and more.

Split Turning – I will walk through the steps of creating one of my split turned pieces from basic wood through finishing and embellishment ideas. Typically, I embed fused glass into the piece, but other options will be discussed, including acrylic 3-d painting techniques, carving, and other embellishments.

Working with Burls – Discuss and demonstrate turning burls – natural edge and other forms. He will show some examples of work with burls, discuss initial shape of burl and processes to get to final design. Discussions will include both beginner and advanced techniques, including holding the burl on the lathe.

Option 1: Then, I will take a specific piece of burl and discuss options to turn that piece, develop a general direction, and then turn the piece. Along the way I will discuss different methods of holding the burl on the lathe, and complete the final design on the lathe.

Option 2: Then I will take two or three (time dependent) different burls and work them far enough that the next steps are “obvious” – foregoing completion in order to see more techniques. Techniques could include turning without a tenon, burl edge up vs burl edge down, advanced techniques of natural edge, deep-V vase.

Dragon Scales & More Peel Back Designs – I walk through the steps to create dragon scales and other peel back designs – these can executed on a turned vessel, platter or other artwork. This concept imagines a design layer just under the outer wood skin of a plate or vessel. The demonstration will start with design considerations and different orders of operation. Then, I will discuss various embellishment techniques and options, including carving, airbrushing and pyrography. This is primarily an off-lathe demonstration, but I will show some on lathe where appropriate.

Square Edge, Wavy, Offset Bowl with Embellishment – Learn to create these wonderful square edge, wavy, off-center bowls on the lathe. I will cover off-center turning of the bowl and the waves, as well as the embellishments — carving, painting. I will complete all of the lathe work live, and have time to discuss and review different embellishment options to enhance the piece and make it your own.

Focus on a specific object style – A custom remote demonstration where I will show the steps from raw wood to finished product for the different art concepts I produce.

Or, we can create an interactive remote demonstration specifically for your club or organization.

If you are interested, please contact me here.

Out of the 72 people that we reviewed, Phil came out number one.
-El Camino Woodturners Guild
I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated your demo last night. Your video setup was state of the art and well organized so there were no distractions fiddling with the cameras. Also it was obvious that you spent significant time and thinking preparing for the demo using our time as efficiently as possible. Lastly, the topic was perfect. I know personally, looking at a burl, I have a hard time seeing the end result. Now I think I will be able to make something worthwhile. Even more impressive was that nobody dropped off once the demo started. Well done and many thanks!
-Roger Crooks
Northwest Woodturners
I really enjoyed your demo tonight. I have seen multi axis turnings for years and never really understood the methods. Very clear with your explanation. Thanks.
-Gordon Kincheloe
Our last meeting went great with a super demo from Phil Rose.
-Leonard Nederveld
Acadiana Woodturners
One of the best demonstrations I've ever seen!
-Mike Porter